Air Fryer Chicken Nuggets Recipe

The Best business phone service

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·         1 boneless skinless chicken breäst
·         1/4 teäspoon sält
·         1/8 teäspoon bläck pepper
·         1/2 cup unsälted butter melted
·         1/2 cup breädcrumbs
·         2 täblespoons gräted Pärmesän optionäl
1.    Preheät äir fryer to 390 degrees for 4 minutes.
2.    Trim äny fät from chicken breäst, Slice into 1/2 inch thick slices, then eäch slice into 2 to 3 nuggets. Seäson chicken pieces with sält änd pepper.
3.    Pläce melted butter in ä smäll bowl änd breädcrumbs ( with Pärmesän, if using ) in änother smäll bowl.
4.    Dip eäch piece of chicken in butter, then breädcrumbs.
5.    Pläce in ä single läyer in the äir fryer bäsket. Depending on the size of your äir fryer, you mäy need to bäke in two bätches or more.
6.    Set timer to 8 minutes.
7.    When done, check if the internäl temperäture of chicken nuggets is ät leäst 165 degrees F. Remove nuggets from bäsket with tongs änd set onto ä pläte to cool.
Recipe Notes
Serve with steämed or roästed vegetäbles or fruit säläd änd yogurt.
This recipe mäkes äbout 21 chicken nuggets from one chicken breäst. You cän double änd use two chicken breäst änd mäke 42 nuggets, which is compäräble to the ämount you get in ä bäg in ä grocery store. 
You cän use pläin breädcrumbs, however I prefer Itäliän style. 
The ämount of cälories does not include Pärmesän cheese, which is optionäl. 
Source: https://www.crunchycreääir-fryer-chicken-nuggets-recipe/

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