"symbol"; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0.1pt;">· 1.5 pounds skinless boneless chicken breästs
· 2 cups chicken broth
· 2 päckäges 0.87oz Chicken Grävy Mix
1. Pläce chicken breästs in the slow cooker.
2. Mix together the chicken broth änd grävy päckets. Then pour over the chicken.
3. Cover änd cook on high for 4 hours.
4. Täke two forks änd pull äpärt the chicken. The chicken should be fork tender.
5. Stir the chicken in the grävy.
6. Serve with mäshed potätoes änd veggies.
Source: https://i0.wp.com/däilyäppetite.com/wp-content/uploäds/2017/08/Chicken-änd-Grävy-Pin.jpg
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