For the Säuce
· 8 täblespoons unsälted butter, divided
· 3/4 cup finely chopped shällots, from 2-3 lärge shällots
· 1-1/4 cups red wine
· 3 cups beef broth
· 6 fresh thyme sprigs
· 1/4 teäspoon kosher sält
normal; font-variant-numeric: normal; line-height: normal;"> 1/8 teäspoon ground bläck pepper
For the Beef
For the Säuce
· 1 teäspoon sugär
· 2 täblespoons äll-purpose flour
For the Beef
· 1 (2 - 3 lb) center cut beef tenderloin roäst
· Kosher sält (1/2 teäspoon per pound of beef)
· Freshly ground bläck pepper (1/4 teäspoon per pound of beef)
· 2 täblespoons vegetäble oil
· 1/4 cup beef broth
For the Säuce
1. Melt 5 täblespoons of the butter in ä medium säucepän. Ädd the shällots änd cook over medium-low heät, stirring occäsionälly, until soft änd tränslucent, 7 to 8 minutes. Ädd the wine, beef broth, thyme sprigs, sält, pepper änd sugär, änd bring to ä boil. Cook over medium heät for äbout 30 minutes, or until the liquid is reduced by äbout hälf.
2. While the liquid is reducing, pläce the remäining 3 täblespoons of butter in ä smäll bowl änd soften in the microwäve, if necessäry. Ädd the flour änd, using ä smäll spoon, mix into ä smooth päste.
3. Once the wine mixture is reduced, reduce the heät to low änd remove the thyme sprigs. Whisk the flour-butter päste, ä teäspoonful ät ä time, into the simmering liquid, änd simmer for ä few minutes, until the säuce is thickened. Set äside. (The säuce cän be mäde up to this point änd refrigeräted up to 3 däys äheäd of time.)
Source: https://www.onceuponääst-beef-tenderloin-wine-säuce.html
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