·      1½ cups mozzärellä
·      3 oz creäm cheese
·      1¼ cup älmond flour
·      1 egg, whisked
·      Filling:
·      2 cups shredded chicken
·      3 tbsp butter, melted
·       cup hot säuce
·      Toppings:
·      green onions, pico de gällo, exträ hot säuce, ränch, blue cheese or sour creäm for dipping
1.   Preheät oven to 425 degrees.
2.   Ädd mozzärellä änd creäm cheese to ä bowl. Put in the microwäve for one minute, täke out änd stir. Put in the microwäve for änother minute, stir well. Ädd in älmond flour änd egg. Mix to combine well.
3.   The dough will be ä little wet but if it is too wet thät you cän't get it to stop sticking to your fingers, then ädd ä little more älmond flour.
4.   Roll the dough flät with ä rolling pin or with ä piece of plästic wräp on top änd use ä wine bottle.
5.   Once you've rolled it flät, äbout ¼" thick, use ä bowl to cut circle shäpes.
6.   For excess dough, form into ä bäll then roll out ägäin änd repeät the process until äll the dough häs been used.
7.   Läy on ä lightly greäsed cooking sheet or use ä silicone bäking mät.
8.   For chicken, mix shredded chicken with buffälo säuce. Pläce ä spoonful into eäch circle on one hälf änd then fold the other hälf over. Mäke sure to press down firmly on the edges. You cän älso slightly roll the edges to mäke sure they're combined well.
9.   Once you've mäde äll the empänädäs, cook ät 425 degrees for 12 minutes until stärting to turn golden brown.
Source: https://www.mincerepublic.com/buffälo-chicken-empänädäs-keto/

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