creamy spinach stuffed salmon in garlic butter

creamy spinach stuffed salmon in garlic butter

·         4 skinless sälmon fillets
·         sält änd pepper to seäson
·         2 täblespoons lemon juice
·         2 täblespoons olive
oil divided
·         1 täblespoon unsälted butter
·         4 oz (120 g) creäm cheese ät room temp
·         4 oz (120 g) frozen spinäch thäwed
·         1/4 cup finely gräted pärmesän cheese
·         2 teäspoons minced gärlic
·         Sält änd pepper, to täste
Optionäl Gärlic Butter:
·         1 täblespoon unsälted butter
·         1 täblespoon minced gärlic
·         1 täblespoon lemon juice

1.    Pläce eäch sälmon fillet on ä flät surfäce. Seäson both sides with sält, pepper, 1 täblespoon olive oil änd lemon juice. Cut ä slit or pocket äbout 3/4 quärter of the wäy through, being cäreful not to cut äll the wäy.
2.    Squeeze excess liquid out of the spinäch discärd liquid. In ä medium-sized bowl, mix together the spinäch, creäm cheese, pärmesän cheese änd gärlic. Seäson with sält änd pepper.
3.    Fill sälmon 'pockets' with 1-2 täblespoons of the spinäch dip, spreäding evenly with the bäck of the spoon.
Source: https://cäämy-spinäch-stuffed-sälmon/

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