Gluten free
∙ Serves 4
3 lbs Chicken, drumsticks and breasts or thighs
4 Bay leaves
4 cloves Garlic
2 tbsp Ginger, fresh
5 Green onion
2 Habanero peppers
1 tbsp Thyme, fresh
Gluten free
∙ Serves 4
- 3 lbs Chicken, drumsticks and breasts or thighs
- 4 Bay leaves
- 4 cloves Garlic
- 2 tbsp Ginger, fresh
- 5 Green onion
- 2 Habanero peppers
- 1 tbsp Thyme, fresh
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1/2 White onion
Canned goods
- 2 1/2 cups Chicken stock
- 2 Limes, juice only
- 2 tbsp Soy sauce
Pasta & grains
- 1 cup Jasmine rice
Baking & spices
- 2 tsp Allspice, ground
- 2 tbsp Brown sugar
- 1/2 tsp Nutmeg, ground
- 1/2 tsp Salt
Oils & vinegars
- 1/4 cup Canola oi
- source:http://www.tablespoon.com/recipes/one-pot-jerk-chicken-and-rice/02e643f2-6841-4c7f-b67e-7ec8581f413b?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=dinner&utm_content=easy&crlt.pid=camp.mlZq7mPl1f30
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