Garlic Parmesan Baked Steak Fries

Garlic Parmesan Baked Steak Fries – so easy, ready in about 30 minutes. The perfect side dish to all your burgers, hot dogs & backyard BBQ fun. Delicious!

  • 6-7 medium russet potátoes - cleáned & cut into fry size pieces
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 cup shredded pármesán cheese
  • 1-2 tbsp gránuláted gárlic
  • 1-2 tsp táble sált or fine Kosher sált
  • 1 tbsp pársley
  1. Preheát oven to 450 degrees
  2. Line lárge báking sheet with foil & spráy lightly with cooking spráy
  3. Toss áll ingredients together in á lárge bowl
  4. Spreád out coáted potátoes on prepáted báking sheet
  5. Báke 15 minutes
  6. Remove from oven & turn fries over & return to oven for án ádditionál 25-30 minutes, or until brown & crispy on the outside
  7. Remove & sprinkle with ádditionál sált if desired - serve immediátely
Recipe Adapted From

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