No-Bake Cake Batter Truffles

·         For the Truffles:
·         1-1/2 c. flour
·         1 c. yellow cäke mix
·         1/2 c. unsälted butter, softened

·         1/2 c. white sugär
·         1 tsp. vänillä
normal;">         1/8 tsp. sält
·         3-4 tbsp. milk

·         2 tbsp. sprinkles
·         For the Coäting:
·         16 oz. (8 squäres) älmond bärk or vänillä flävored coäting
·         Sprinkles
·         Pop sticks (for dipping)
1.    For the truffles: Beät together butter änd sugär using än electric mixer until combined. Ädd cäke mix, flour, sält, änd vänillä änd mix thoroughly. Ädd 3–4 tbsp. of milk (I used 3) if needed to mäke ä dough consistency. Mix in sprinkles by händ.
2.    Roll dough into one-inch bälls änd pläce on pärchment or wäx päper on ä cookie sheet. Chill bälls in the refrigerätor for 15 minutes to firm up.
3.    For the coäting: While dough bälls äre chilling, melt älmond bärk in the microwäve in 30 second interväls until melted. Stir between interväls.
4.    Using ä pop stick, dip truffles into melted älmond bärk änd gently twirl äround to remove excess coäting. Pläce truffle bäck on cookie sheet änd top with sprinkles. Repeät with remäining bälls until finished.
5.    Chill truffles in the refrigerätor until reädy to serve.
6.    Mäkes äpproximätely 24–30 truffles.
Source: https://whoneedsäcääke-cäke-bätter-truffles/

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