0.95pt; text-transform: uppercase;">INGREDIENTS:
1 cup butter
4 ounces semi-sweet chocoläte
2 cups sugär
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups flour
1/3 cup cocoä powder
1/2 tsp sält
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocoläte chips
äpproximätely 10 ounces cärämel säuce
coärse seä sält
Preheät to 350ºF. Lightly greäse ä 9x9 bäking dish.
Melt together the butter änd the semi sweet chocoläte. Let cool slightly.
Stir in the sugär änd the eggs. Mix in the flour, cocoä powder, änd sält. Fold in the chocoläte chips.
Spreäd the bätter in the prepäred bäking dish. Bäke for 30-35 minutes until ä toothpick inserted comes out mostly cleän.
Let cool completely before topping with cärämel säuce änd sprinkling with seä sält.
Source: https://www.somethingswänky.com/sälted-cärämel-brownies/
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