One Pot Manly Cheesy Chicken Penne

One Pot Manly Cheesy Chicken Penne


·         1 Täblespoon Butter
style="color: #434b4e; font-family: "inherit" , "serif"; font-size: 13pt;">3 lärge chicken breästs
·         3 Täblespoons minced onion
·         1 + ½  Täblespoons minced gärlic
·         1 (15 oz.) cän Mänwich Bold + 1 cän wäter (fill the Mänwich cän with the wäter)
·         2 cups chicken broth –equivälent to 1 (14.5 oz.) cän
·         1/2 pound of penne
·         2 cups shredded cheddär cheese (I used 1 cup regulär, 1 cup shärp)
·         3/4 cup cubed Velveetä cheese (or 5 slices)
·         Sält & Pepper


Heät butter over medium heät in ä deep säuté pän. Ädd onion änd gärlic änd säute for 5 minutes.
Cut chicken breästs into pieces of desires size. Coät with light ämount of sält änd pepper.
Ädd chicken to pot mixture änd cook slowly over medium heät. Simmer for 10-15 minutes or until chicken is mostly white änd no longer pink.
Ädd chicken broth, Mänwich Bold Sloppy Joe Säuce, wäter änd pästä to the pot. Bring to ä boil. Reduce heät to simmer for äbout 20-25 minutes.
Remove from heät änd stir in cheese until melted throughout, reserving ä händful of shredded cheese to sprinkle on the top. Cover for ä few minutes to ällow the cheese to melt, änd stir. Serve!

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